*Sticky post - scroll down for newer posts*
CHALLENGE for METhe challenge for me is to sign up 5 people to sell Signature HomeStyles. I know I mentioned it once before, the fact that I started a home business in March, so I would like to share a little with you.
How did you get involved in Signature HomeStyles?I have always wanted to try my own home business, but wanted to find one that I liked and I felt I would benefit from. I've been to Mary Kay, Partylite, Tupperware Parties, and etc. but I didn't really feel they were for me. My sister in law then told me about a party she had gone to with home decor - she had really liked it and found the prices quite reasonable. So I checked out Signature HomeStyles - and they had (and still have) an amazing start-up program - you can get your starter kit FOR $25! The kit has amazing products and regularly cost around $250 or so - what they do is take your commissions for the first few shows (or show, if you have a good one) until the rest of the balance is payed off (if you decide to quit before paying off the kit, they charge your CC). So it's awesome not to have to put out a lot of money to get started! The first month I was committed to 4 shows and since then I can determine how many or few shows I want to do! oh and the commission is great for those extra home projects I want to do!
Is it hard?Nope, not really. I find that I really enjoy parties and look at them as a girls night out (plus it's nice for me to get out of the house once in a while without the kids). Signature has a really great program and I do all of my orders online (since that's fastest and REALLY easy!) and everyone I've talked to is really helpful! The parties I do are farely short (my spiel anyway) so that the ladies can enjoy chatting, looking at catalogues, snacking, and just have a good time!
What is the best thing about Signatures products?One of the best things about Signature products is that they offer a wide variety of design styles, like country, Victorian, modern, classic, etc, - I like to say that you can find something that anyone will like, something for your Grandmother, mom, Aunties, sisters, best friends - anyone! Second thing I like about Signature's products is that they are very versatile and work really well with each other!
My Challenge For YOU!I am going to give away an amazing Signature HomeStyles product (yet to be determined, but I am thinking of the cube and basket set, like below but in Expresso, and includes one cube, one medium sized basket and two smaller baskets, valued at $123CAN) and here are the rules to enter:

- For ONE entry - write a post on your blog about my challenge - linked to my blog and mentioning that I am looking to sign on consultants. (please comment that you have put up a post)
- For FIVE entries - Give me a name and contact of someone you think would be really interested/good at something like this (please mention this to them so they aren't upset if I contact them)
- For TEN entries - for you if you decide to do a book party
- For FIFTEEN entries - for you if anyone signs up with me through your blog post and/or you giving me their contact information
- For TWENTY entries - if YOU sign up with me!
If you would like to look at the new Fall/Winter catalogue please click here. Also if you have any questions about Signature HomeStyles - please ask!! Signature also has MANY great promotions for new consultants, so just ask me about them - it will be well worth your while! If you think you would like to make an order, consider doing a book party (where I will send you a few catalogues that you and your girlfriends can look at and order from) and you can earn half price and free items, plus be eligible for the hostess special of the month!
**contest open to anyone in Canada and USA (Americans - pricing varies since all my info is in CAN $) contest will run until October 31, 2008**