Thursday, December 30, 2010
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Monday, December 06, 2010
Loving the Holidays!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
1 Month!!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
For All Mom's & Mom's to be!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Baby it's cold outside!!
Rhys has been doing so good, she seems to be such a content baby. She has had some incredible nights, one night even sleeping an 8hr stretch!! (although it was 8pm to 4am so I didn't get the full 8, but I got a solid 6 at least!) She has had a couple 6hr stretches but mostly it's between 3-5hr stetches (which I think is still really good!!). A typical day for her usually starts around 9, she usually cluster feeds for a while and then has some awake time. Between 1-2pm she usually goes down for a good nap (usually 3hrs). She has some awake time after supper and is usually ready for bed around 9pm, although typically she wakes up one more time (between 10-11) for one more quick feeding and change and then she's down for the night! I am glad that she has been starting to develope somewhat of a schedule :) She loves laying on her back and kicking during her awake time! She is already a Daddy's girl as well, she seems to be responding already when her Dad gives her attention :)
So all in all, we are doing well and looking forward to the Christmas season!! Although if you think of me on Monday send up a quick prayer, it's offically my first day by myself with the kids. My husband has been off of work since R was born (not his choice, there was just no work until now) and is going away Sunday night. I have been 'practicing' though; I have done a lot of things with just me and 3 kids already. It's just when it becomes 'official' and I know I don't have any 'backup' it becomes the real thing! Sorry for no pictures, I'm on my husband's computer - so no pictures are loaded on here. Next time :)
Monday, November 08, 2010
Finally, the Birth Story *Warning: may be TMI*
Saturday, October 30, 2010
And Baby Makes 5
I will post more about her birth later.
Anyone Want to Guess?
- When will baby arrive?
- What will baby's gender be?
- How heavy/long with baby be?
Just so everyone knows, my first baby (TJ, boy) was induced a week after my due date. Born at 5:31pm, 7lbs 1 oz., 21" long. My second baby (K, girl) was induced a week after my due date. Born at 3:17pm, 8lbs 4 oz., 20" long. My due date for this baby is Oct 16 & 23 (tricky I know, lol) Happy guessing :)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
As to Goofball's question from my last post... you will have to wait through the silence unfortunately (my husband has no idea about blogging, haha), but really once baby is born I only stay in the hospital one day (as long as there are no complications and everyone is well). So I should be able to blog at least a one liner once I get home :)
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Due Date #2
Friday, October 22, 2010
Checking in
TJ, looking at some pictures from last summer,
"Look mom, do you remember this good old day?"
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Keeping Busy
- Taking care of my family in the obvious ways of physical needs such as meals, making sure the kids are dressed and ready for the day, have naps, and bed time :)
- Keeping up with cleaning (so I don't have a disaster when the baby comes, because we all know that when baby's arrive, the cleanest house will fall prey to disaster!)
- Doing small decluttering projects... ones that have been waiting YEARS for me, lol!
- Baking. We made the best cookies today, and SO simple!! 1 cup peanut butter, 1 cup sugar, 1 egg. mix, roll into balls then press with fork. Bake at 350 for 10 min!
- Doing errands to help get ready for the next step of finishing our basement - electrical :)
- Driving my son to and from pre-school
- Playdates for the kids
- Doing fun activities with the kids (it was more difficult to do this with daycare kids, so I am taking advantage of the 'easier' 2 kids)
- Trying to figure out creative ways to keep the kids busy (already, although when I run out of ideas I still send them outside!)
- Christmas/birthday shopping. My hubby's birthday is before Christmas - this year I have completed his shopping already. Almost done the kids Christmas shopping, just need to figure out something for TJ's birthday (his bday is also right before Christmas)
When my husband is home at a decent time in the evenings (as in after 8pm), there are a few other things I am able to do with out kids:
- Attend baby showers (there were 3 in September from our church, and one bridal shower)
- spent 2 hrs browsing at a women's trade show in town
- Taking the dog for nice long walks!
- Taking long bubble baths (and reading a good book while soaking)
- After the kids are in bed, watching my favorite TV shows while putting my feet up and pigging out on cookies and delicous treats like that :) I mean someone has to eat all that baking right?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
The End is Near
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Wish Me Luck...
Monday, October 18, 2010
The Hardest Part
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Due Date #1
Please come soon baby! We are all excited to meet you :)
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Happy (belated) Birthday!!
I hope you had a wonderfully special day my precious baby girl! Mommy and Daddy love you so much and you are such a blessing in our lives each and every day!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Happy (belated) Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
"Should" "Declutter"
Here is the finished product. (and no I did not just shove everything into my drawers... although those drawers are on my list of areas to declutter!)
Yes I'm still here...
I am a frequent reader of To Love, Honor and Vacuum and this month has been dedicated to simplifying our lives. I am hoping to participate in Sheila's challenges as much as I can before the baby comes (and even after on occasion if I can) I really need this as I struggle a lot with motivation to keep things organized, because I feel that it all has to be perfect. (and it's SO far from there!!!) Perfection is not the key, it's keeping things simple and not feeling overwelmed by the whole picture (which is what I do and then nothing gets done)! I like how Sheila put things, 1. Define your calling 2. Organize yourself 3. Pare down. How simple it seems when you put things like that :) So today I want to do the first challenge of decluttering a small area.. I need to take before and after pics.. so beware of the next posts :)
Friday, October 01, 2010
Joke of the Day :)
Me: How do you think we would plug them in?
TJ: Well... (pause) we could get a long extension cord. How about that? Is that a good idea?
Just thought I'd share my chuckle of the day. I'm heading out to a ladies weekend (well Friday to Saturday) without the kids (yay!). So see you all next week... oh and welcome to October :)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Family Fun in the Summer
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Pictures to come...
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
I'm Still Here :)
So, from my last post, I am thinking that there is a really good chance that baby has dropped. I guess we will see on Tuesday (my next Dr appointment) if my guess is correct. I have been having a lot of fun with lower back and tailbone pain (I am really hoping that this is not a preview of what's to come: back-labour). I have also recently been feeling some sciatic nerve pain (I had it with my daughter too) which is never comfortable, but thankfully not as much as when I was pregnant with her. Interesting thing, the other night when I got to go out for coffee with a bunch of ladies, I got several interesting comments. "you look so small" (thank you a million times, even if it's not 100% true it's way nicer to hear than the opposite). The other comment came from a good friend of mine, she mentioned that I was carrying much more in front versus how I carried around more with my daughter. This got me thinking. Maybe it is a boy... haha.. I guess we'll see soon enough. Just this last week 3 women in my church had babies, all three were girls! I think I am the next one due and so I am curious if I will continue the pattern or break it :)
In other news, last week was happy birthday to me :) That was the reason for the ladies coffee, there are three of us that share the same birthday. So for my birthday, I got to sleep in (YAY!!) and then as I was relaxing enjoying the quiet, my mom called to say happy birthday. So my kids, realizing I was awake, crawled into bed with me and gave me some sweet birthday snuggles and 'happy birthday's'. I just love the fact that they can now realize what birthdays are about.. it was so fun. We had a family type day. We went to the theater to see Despicable Me in 3D - they loved it :) It was very enjoyable!
It seems that with September on the calender page, everything has become so busy! Weddings, showers, cleaning out the garden (the weather seems to be telling us that it is definitely fall!), canning, appointments. All sorts of stuff has been going on! It's not stopping either, tomorrow is my son's first day at pre-school this year. I think we are both looking forward to him going back! Next week is my daughter's birthday and my parents are coming up for part of the week and there is a family wedding that Saturday too (in two weeks, minus one day) . I will promise to try and keep up on here, posting a little here and there so you will know how things are going with baby and whether or not baby has made an appearance :)
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Dropped or Not?
It's not that I want to go into labor yet, plus the baby engaging does not necessarily mean that you will go into labor really soon, it's just one more step to let you know that things are moving forward. Plus it definitely helps with breathing easier and less heartburn (or so I've read). On another note, I had fun yesterday folding some tiny itty bitty baby things :) I got out my newborn onesies and sleepers that are unisex in color and a few items in pink and a few in blue. I also laundered my receiving blankets as well. I figure I may as well enjoy all the tiny stuff while it's still new and fun (doing loads of tiny clothes can get tiring fast). One step closer to having my suitcase packed :)
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Busy Summer
I have lots of other things to blog about, but they will have to wait since I have lots to do today :)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Week 31/32
So this is me and my baby belly :) Not my most flattering maternity pic, I had just come inside from working in the garden (hence the 'outside' clothes and hair) and my son wanted to take some pictures, so I figured I'd put his desire to some good use :) I've been feeling really good the last while - it's the best part of pregnancy between weeks 20-30-somthing. At my last Dr's appointment (last week) my Dr. estimated that baby's weight was about 4lbs and 5oz!!! Crazy, baby gained 2 lbs in the last month - although then it doesn't make me feel so bad because the 2 out of 5 lbs I gained last month were strictly baby. I have definately been feeling that baby is becoming bigger and there is less space for him/her to move around. I've been feeling all knees, feet, elbows and hands whenever the baby moves!! Thankfully my Dr. said that baby is head down at this point, although the head is not engaged (so baby can still float around and change positions). With K, she was breech until 36 weeks (if she would have still been breech at week 36 my Dr. wanted to schedule a C-section as a back-up). I am now to the point where I see my Dr. every 2 weeks (can you believe it!!) - that seems like a big milestone to me. I got to thinking the other day that maybe I should start getting a few things in order as baby's arrival, so I made one arrangement (one of the most important). I called up a friend and asked if she would by my watch my kids, especially if I have to go in unexpectedly. I am hoping to go in unexpectly (I was induced with my other two children). A few things I still need to do:
- pack a hospital bag
- sort through my baby clothes and bring all the unisex 0-3 month stuff upstairs, and know where the boy & girl stuff is (separated and ready to bring upstairs once baby is born)
- get baby's bed and blankets ready
I think that is everything related to baby that I have to do. I have a lot of projects left to do before baby comes but if they don't get done on time, that will have to be ok :)
Discomforts I am experiencing - probably the biggest one is ligament pain. I have had it with all my pregnancies, but this one is the worst so far. For those that are not sure what this is, basically it's sore muscles by the pelvic/hip area, it is what makes it so difficult to turn over in bed, get up from sitting on the floor, going up stairs, getting off the couch, standing for long periods of time, etc. Sometimes it feels as if I can't move my legs and have to physically move them with my hands to get going. I am not complaining, I would do anything for my child but as a lot of you know pregnancy definately has it's discomforts as well as joys :) The heat we are having has also been a long of fun while being this big. Thanks to my husband that last summer (or two summers ago) he HAD to buy a portable AC unit, I didn't think we needed it, but at this point I have made a lot of use of it :) Either way we are starting to get excited about meeting this newest addition to our family!!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Monday, August 02, 2010
The challenge this week is: No complaining, criticizing, rolling your eyes, nagging or giving him any friction this week. Enjoy a week of peace in your home.
I am also planning on talking with my husband, to try and find out more of his perspective, what impacts him as showing him respect (building him up) or disrespectful. Some of these things listed may not bother him that much whereas other things I do might really bother and hurt him. I think I would like to particularly focus on the areas that build him up. I think if I'm focused on showing him I respect him it will be easier to not do those things that show disrespect. Either way, respect is a very important thing to work on in a marriage - how do you show your husband respect/build him up?
PS this is my 300th post :) YAY!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
One Year Today
That night I grieved. It was official - our baby was in heaven. Even though I know one day I will get to meet my angel baby, and I take comfort in that - one still needs to go through the process of grieving, of loss. My mom gave me some really good advice (even though she's never gone through a MC), she told me to use this to pull me and my husband together and not to let it tear us apart. I needed to hear that because I had been a bag to my husband, yelling at him about little things that really didn't matter, but because I was emotional and upset about what happened it came out as anger toward him. I made the effort to consciously change my attitude and let my husband into my cocoon of grief and it did pull us together. It helped me realize too that even if it didn't affect him like it did me, he still cared and wanted to help me by sharing my sadness. The grieving process didn't last a long time, I was only 8 weeks pregnant, but I felt the emptiness, especially as friend after friend after friend announced their pregnancy. I was happy for them, but it was a reminder of my loss. (honestly in the 6 months between my miscarriage and getting pregnant again there were about 15 announcements of friends getting pregnant, not even a joke)
I am not sharing this for pity or sympathy, but to remember (for myself) and to share with others the reality of my experience - so many women don't talk about it but SO many women experience this loss. I know many people who have suffered much greater loss, so I don't want to even suggest that I know all about life's grief, just to document my experience and journey. I found that my biggest therapy was talking to other women who had gone through similar experiences - to find someone that really understood the lonely journey and could maybe help answer some of my questions. I also have found that the more I am open about this, the more women I find that have gone through the same thing. So today marks one year, I smile at the thought that I have a child waiting for me when I get to heaven - a perfect, beautiful child that never had to go through the hardships of this world. I wonder what my child may have looked like or of the future my child could have had, but most of all, I know that my little angel is cared for by my most wonderful Lord.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Week 28/29
How far along: 28/29 weeks (29 by my calculations)
Total weight gain/loss: I don't have a scale at home, but I'm sure it's about 20lbs by now
Maternity clothes: Mostly, although I just bought some amazing regular capri yoga pants at Costco that I love!
Sleep: sleeping really good, and even getting in a few naps a week
Movement: baby is moving a lot (which is reasuring!), the movements have become more pronounced, it's obvious that elbows, knees and feet are bumping around in there :)
Gender: if you check out my sidebar you will notice I have a poll for your guesses at what the baby's gender is - I am surprised that every thinks girl, although maybe it's because I am kind of thinking it's a girl (although not completely sure, some days I think boy). If you haven't voted yet, do :)
What I miss: being able to shave properly, lol
What I'm looking forward to: my next appointment (in 2 weeks)
Milestones: after my next appointment I see my Dr. every two weeks!!! also I have already done the dreaded gestational diabetes test (drinking that yucky orange 'pop') guess I'll find out soon if I have to go in for the 2hr hospital test or if I tested negative
A friend of mine forwarded this link to me. My other pregnancies I didn't really have many issues like this, but this time I am a lot bigger a lot sooner. So I won't be surprised to get interesting comments this time around. Check out the link :)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wordless Wednesday: Camping Fun

Monday, July 26, 2010
Summer Marriage Challenge
I know this is going to be interesting because I have been trying to find out what my husband's vision is for a while, but my husband isn't really a long term planner. That or else take into account that he's a 'dreamer' type personality and his 5yr plan should actually be in the 10 or 15yr slot because of the feasibility (he doesn't necessarily have a plan of how to get there, just that he wants to be there in 5yrs, not realizing that some things just take time especially if he is going to be as particular as he is about certain things). The other issue, he doesn't think he'll live another 10 years so he doesn't think he needs to plan that far in advance. Yes I'm serious. At first this sounds morbid (that's what I thought for a long time) but taken with two other facts about him and it's understandable how he can feel that way. First, his grandfather died at 45 and a lesser second - he has no clue of his paternal health history and believes that his bio father died young as well (yes this is a whole other issue). Anyway - back to the challenge, it may take a while, but I will try my best to find opportunity for us to discuss vision - I would really like to hear his!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Guess Who is Almost 3...

If I ask her to do something that she doesn't want to do (like nap time or eating), I get a combination of responses like: "Mommy, I want to tell you something", "Mommy, I forgot something.", "I'm cold" (this last one I'm not sure where she got it from, but it's an excuse to get her blanket and get out of whatever she's supposed to do). Actually, all of these are excuses to delay or get out of what she's been asked to do - as innocent as they sound! I try to be patient, but I get tired of her 'excuses' and that she is just plain not listening to me and then end up raising my voice to get my point across and she shuts down (gets all sulky, curls up, cries, has hurt feelings - she is very sensitive that way). I am open to any ideas on disciplining a sensitive yet stubborn child!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Mom's - I need Your Help!

Thursday, July 15, 2010
Camping, Berries and Summer Marriage Challenge

I know that I am late this week with the Summer Marriage Challenge, but I did get it done. Here is the challenge for this week: Make a list of 5 things you currently do and ask your husband to prioritizy them for you of what is important to him. I'm not going to put my list on here, but I will tell you I was a little surprised at the results. For one thing there were two items that it seems I have to push, pull and drag to get him to participate in - those two items were at the top of his list. Another thing I want to mention is a statement from the Challenge this week. The statement was: A lot of quarrels can be kept at bay if we are willing to ask our husbands their preferences and then be mindful of them. I agree with most of the statement - we can minimize quarrels if we have better communication of priorities. The part that kind of rubs me the wrong way is that we, as wives should find out our husband's preferences and 'be mindful of them'. Now I suppose it depends on your definition of 'being mindful'. Yes, it is good to know what is considered important to your husband because it does make things easier when you are on the same page, but the insinuation I sense is that his priorities are the ones that are important and you need to then just do what he thinks is important. I am more of the view that marriage is a partnership, not a one man show. If my husband's number one priority is one thing, than he should also show that it is a priority by helping/encouraging/participating in that. Also what of a wife's priorities? Should what is important on her list not matter? Can one not take two lists of priorities and combine them in a compromise? I know this can be a controversial topic, what are your thoughts? **please be nice**
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Monday, July 05, 2010
All about my man
- My husband has an uncanny ability to be able to talk to anyone, anywhere, anytime about anything - something I have always struggled with and even though I admire this in him, it has caused me embarressment at times, just because I would be too shy or 'proper' to say such things.
- My husband has a generous heart. He is often doing kind gestures to others in disadvantage because he too has been there at one point in his life and he will go out of his way to do these things. Sometimes he is too generous (is there such a thing?) that sometimes he gets taken advantage of, but I suppose that is the risk of giving without expecting anything back in return.
- My husband can easily say sorry when he knows he's been wrong. I admire this because I have an incredibly hard time apologizing for things.
- I can talk to my husband about ANYTHING - where I find things awkward, he has no problem being open about.
- I love the fact that my husband is willing and happy to watch the kids if I need a night off. Often I am a 'single' parent to my children because of my husband's job, but when he's home it's never a problem or 'hassle' for me to get out of the house to have some 'me' time. (and believe me, without it I would get completely worn out!)
- I admire and believe that my husband is a survivor! The things he has been through in his life would break most people, and I can't even imagine going through a life like his. Even though there are scars and affects of the past (which is normal) he has become a stronger and better person through everything. Life has thrown it's worst at him, but he is still moving forward.
- My husband is a hopeless dreamer. He has the most amazing, incredible, inventive ideas and they don't stop :) It makes me smile when I hear all of his crazy ideas :) Although some of them are really good.
I could go on, but I'm running out of time here. I appreciate my husband and know that I don't tell him enough. I would encourage any of you that are not participating in the Challenge to also tell your spouse what you admire about them :) **I was going to find a recent picture of me and my husband and it's been way too long that we've actually taken some together. That will be on my list of things to do :)**