Saturday, September 12, 2009

Can YOU help??

I just read a very compelling post. This post is on a blog that I frequent; the author is actually a relative of mine (distantly) and her and her husband are missionaries in Africa. They are with a legit mission organization (AIM I believe) and are doing a great work out there. The post I am referring to is an amazing, heart crushing life story of a man named Elly - Elly could use your help. So please read and pass on his story!! I want to assure you that if you do decide to help, your gift will be put to use wisely. Even if you can only give a small amount, give.. if $9 is a days wage for him, think about what we waste $9 on!! If you can't give (or even if you do) pass along the story of Elly, blog about it - God can work a miracle through everyday people!! I will be honest with you, I have pledged a small amout as we don't have a lot of money to spare these days but I'm hoping that by passing along the need - if we can all contribute a little God can multiply!!

Can you help?

**Note that I do not believe that tax receipts will be given as this is a private donation from the goodness of one's heart!

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