We are back from our trip east. It was a nice break (not to be at home), but also more work with the kids since they tend to have the need to completely explore their new environment for quite a few days before they settle in. The food was incredible, the family was wonderful, Air Canada was unforgivable, the experience one of a kind :) My brother-in-law was stuck in Vancouver on Christmas eve, where his AC flight was cancel, then just delayed, then cancelled again and with no remorse they
inadvertently told everyone 'sorry for your luck, you don't get to spend Christmas with your family' (actually they didn't even say sorry). Finally they ended up flying him halfway to his destination and thanks to Hertz he was able to drive the rest of the distance (most car rental agencies were not open Christmas morning!).
The kids all got way too many gifts from Grandma & Grandpa, Aunties and Uncles - we wouldn't even have needed to buy the kids anything for Christmas!! My gift was a wonderful day at the spa with my MIL and
SIL for, wait for it.... 7 HOURS!!! It was wonderful!! Unfortunately something that I could really get used to!!!
The new year was just as exciting, with some unexpected phone calls from Kevin's company - uncertain news - this year has started with a great big ? Our future is unknown, do we need to re-evaluate our goals, do big changes need to happen, is this the time to take a different road? It is pretty stressful for us thinking that there are a lot of
unknowns. They are having a meeting on Monday, hopefully a few answers will come from that, or at least help us in knowing what to do next, if an action is necessary. I know this is all kind of vague, but hopefully after Monday I will be able to explain a little more (I don't want to explain when there are a lot of assumptions and unknowns).