Friday, September 19, 2008

My Baby is 1!! (tomorrow)

Happy birthday K!! I can't believe that you are turning one already! I remember it just like it was yesterday - Grandma came the day before to help take care of your brother. I was up early, 7 am to call the hospital to see if I could come in and sure enough, they had room for me. So the rush was on, I quickly showered and went over things with Grandma so she knew what to do with your brother all day. I felt the excitement all morning - it is an incredible feeling knowing that I would finally get to meet my baby girl that day! I remember the fresh, crisp fall air as me and your daddy got into the car and drove to the hospital. All the leaves on the trees were yellow at the hospital - we walked up to the labor and delivery. "I'm here to have a baby", like it wasn't obvious at that time :) We got our room and settled in - we listened to your heartbeat and kicks one last time while you were still inside me. The Dr. came in and everything got underway. After the required 1 hour of bedrest - we were ready to move around - your daddy was hungry since he hadn't had any breakfast (like usual) so we walked down to the cafeteria - it took a while since I had to stop every time I had a contraction. Things progressed really well! By 2pm I was ready for you to come, but you weren't quite ready yet - but by 3 we were both ready and with a little encouragement you arrived at 3:17pm - my first breathless words to you were "She's finally here" . I couldn't get over how you had your daddy's curly hair! You were so tiny in my arms - and I loved you so much and it's hard to imagine that I have grown to love you more each day. I love the way you play coy and your sweet smile and when you give cuddles and snuggles and your open mouth kisses and how you walk backwards so you can sit on my lap! You have such a little Diva personality and you are developing it more and more each day! Happy Birthday my baby girl - we love you so much!


Andrea said...

Happy Birthday K!! I can't believe she's already one! :)

Allie said...

One already? Happy birthday Miss K!! You are such a cutie!!