Wednesday, July 18, 2007

32 week Dr. Appointment

So things are continuing to look good this pregnancy - altho I think I may have a stubborn baby on my hands :) haha.. the baby is still breech - and my Dr. figured I need to stand on my head for a while :) The heartrate is at 126 or so, which according to wivestales means I'm having a boy - altho according to ultrasound there are no boy parts on this babe :) and either I'm gonna have a big baby or baby may come sooner than expected since the measurements are big for the dates that I have.. Oh well - I suppose what's going to happen will happen, I'm just getting excited to meet this baby already!!

In other news, my great-grandfather just passed away today - which is/was also his birthday.. but really it is an answer to prayer. He was not doing well; he was in a semi-coma state and they just found out he had lung cancer as well - this way he didn't have to suffer long! He turned 92 (I believe) today - and lived long enough to see his first great-great-grandchild: Tristian!!

October 2006

At 91 he could still walk his first great-great-grandchild!

These memories will be cherished and shared for many years to come!


Stacey said...

So, maybe we'll both have huge babies!! And that little one better turn soon. It's funny how I was okay with the c-section thing, and then I found out that the baby had turned! Now let's hope they're just wrong about the weight too!

Sorry to hear about your great grandpa. It is good that he didn't have to suffer though. That is never fun, watching those you love suffer.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for visiting my contest. But what I really wanted to say was how much I loved these pics of your g-grandfather and your son. I was very close to my g-grandfather and he passed away at the age of 100 after a very long and healthy/productive life (he gardened and drove a car into his 90's!). He passed away before I married and had kids but left me with wonderful memories! I know yours did too!