Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tenting & kittens :)

Tenting went well with the kids - it was such a treat for them to sleep on an airmattress, they kept bouncing me all over the place.. until I got my tough mom face on :) Although it was really sweet how they both cuddled me all night, even though that meant I woke up every time I needed to turn over. Overall, it was a success :)

This weekend we have a little treat (and extra work for me). I picked up two kittens for my parents, and we are taking care of them for the weekend. There have been some pretty priceless moments.. like my daughter running away because 'they bite' (they don't bite, but you know how little kittens are with their claws and she figures thats bitting), but mostly she wants to get right in there and hold them.. even when they're scrapping :) Sorry no pictures yet, I need a new battery for my camera and just haven't done it yet.

K is also cutting her 2 year molars these days, so we've been a little more forgiving of her moodiness. In the potty training department things have been going well, depending on what we're doing, K wears panties although there is usually an accident or two during the day (usually between when she wakes up from her nap and supper time, have to figure that out yet). I let her wear pullups when she's teething though, my kids get really nasty diarrhea while cutting molars, and I just don't feel like dealing with cleaning that up (sorry all you cloth diapering moms, I guess I'm not really cut out for that, lol). So overall, my K is doing super good for not even being 2 yet :) Which reminds me.. there are 2 birthdays coming up in September, hehe.. mine and K's. I'm looking forward to planning her party, I've decided that I want to do a Word World theme (since she LOVES that show, just like her brother). I'm hoping to attempt to make her cake too.. so lots to look forward to!!


In Everything said...

Thanks for visiting our blog:) I'm glad you were encouraged and that re-enforced what God is already starting in you.

I would LOVE to continue the conversation anytime.... my email is fullovnrg (at) hotmail (dot) com!

And it sounds like you have BUSY month ahead:)

Allie said...

Oh yes, birthday time! I love September birthday time! And, I think that you and K need to come down here for my K's birthday, as I am pretty sure that you are all pretty close together.

Although, we are doing a Bakugan theme, catering to my soon to be 5 yr old's fondest wishes. Decorations? A cinch - I am making those. A birthday cake? Ugh .... I think that I am going to have the parents sign off on a waiver to not sue me if their kids get sick. I have got to be the WORST baker known to man. Seriously.

And, 2 already for K? Sheesh ... where did that time go?

PS - Mommy stern face doesn't work for me either. :)

Goofball said...

isn't it dangerous to host kittens in the house for a while? I'd never let them leave anymore!