Friday, February 18, 2011


Sisters, this is something new to me. I look at the two of my girls and my mind wanders to what lays ahead. How will these two get along? Will they be best of friends? Will they be in constant competition? Somewhere in between? Either way I know that somewhere along our journey as a family there will be difficulties between girls - I don't think a girl could escape her childhood without some. What is new to me is the concept of sisterhood - I never had a sister. I could tell you a lot more about brothers or dealing between brother/sister conflict.. but dealing with two girls, oh my - where would I even start :) It's a good thing we all grow together and hopefully I can learn some tricks to raising two girls :) Any moms with good advice about sisters?
On a side note, my precious baby is almost 4 months!!!

1 comment:

Goofball said...

I can't remember childhood conflicts with my sister at all...we seem to have always been in a good partnership. But then we are 8 years apart, so never been competitors over toys or so. I guess my sister has always been "wise" enough not to get into fights with me