In other news, we finally decided to get the kids a bunkbed! They were SO excited!! I had debated on and off for a while and finally went ahead with it because I really noticed how TJ was almost outgrowing his toddler bed! We only have a 2 bedroom house so the kids share a room and there is not enough room for a twin and toddler bed without being cramped. (they also have a dresser in their room as well) This way, if and when we would move to a bigger house, they would also each have their own bed as it separates into two beds!
Things seem to be going a lot better this winter than last winter for me. Last winter I had a serious case of cabin fever/winter blues. This winter hasn't seemed quite as bad. Although I am hoping that things will continue with this weather - it's been fairly mild here but the best thing is that it's been so sunny outside! Somehow the sunshine just makes everything better! Another thing is that I have been making an extra effort to make sure I take my multivitamins. It seems to help. Anyway, I hope to get some pictures in this post later today or early tomorrow :)
*Of course I didn't get my pictures in as soon as I wanted (dead camera batteries) but here they are, better late than never :)
Chocolate pudding painting with the kids.. it was a hit!! (as you can tell probably most of it went in the mouth)
We too have been thinking about a bunkbed for the boys, as it definitely gives you so much more space in a room (they have a tiny room too). Let me know how it works and how they like it!
It has been working pretty good so far - although we have had to be VERY strict that K is not allowed to climb or play on the ladder at all! The first few days she tried it a few times but was promptly punished and now it's not really an issue.
Love the purple lip gloss! Great color choice :)
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