Lately I have really been challenged in many areas of my personal life. I have been exploring new ideas and dreams. I found that I had lost some of that part of myself with the fact of having kids. God has really been trying to teach me a lot about trusting in Him. It seems that there have been many seperate incidences that altogether have been working towards that goal.. Trusting my family to Him, trusting my future to Him, trusting our finances to Him, giving Him my whole life value and trust that He has the best plans! It's a tough thing to learn, but somehow I think God is preparing me because He knows that tough times are ahead and I need to hang onto the things that are really important! Onto the dreaming.. I've always had high and lofty dreams, but like I said, it's seemed that since I've had kids, those dreams and even just thinking about them, have been put on hold. As many of you mothers know, with small kids, a lot of your time is taken up in the daily routine of physical needs. More recently I have realized that I need to take care of myself mentally and emotionally so I can give my kids the mom that they need to teach and take care of them! So, a few things I've done in the past while... I signed up for a library card here where I live.. and it's funny, something so small seemed to open up a whole new world for me.. You see, I used to read a lot but now I don't remember the last time I actually finished a book.. but I signed out two books and have started reading again.. a little at a time. It may sound funny, but lately I've been thinking about the future, thinking that I would like to go back to school. Funny, never thought I would dream of going back to school :) I've been thinking that once my kids are a little older, I would like to try and get a degree. I know that four years is a long time, and in reality, things will probably take longer for me (having a family). I've also been thinking that it may be an idea to try and take a few courses here and there as I can. I know it will be a challenge, but I would like to try. It's not like things are carved in stone about this, and I want to be open to God's leading, but I still, I think it's important to have a goal and dreams to work towards. I am a mother, I will always be a mother, but I want more than that. Not to say that being a mother is not satisfying, but there are other desires within me and God knows this because He made me that way and I trust that He will lead me to where He wants and I know that He wants the best for me. All in all, I just wanted to share some of the things that have been going on underneath the surface :)