I did the "25 Random things about me" thing on Facebook, and realized, for all the time it took, I might as well post it on my blog too :) So here are 25 Random Things About Me, and I tag anyone that reads this that hasn't already done it :) Enjoy!!
1. I am a born perfectionist, if things aren't perfect it stresses me out and along those lines, I like to have control of situations - needless to say, my kids and my husband are helping me to try and fix this, as they are all unpredictable and like to throw wrenches into my plans :)
2. I love my husband and two kids like crazy and wouldn't change it for the world, even though I am a young mom, I don't feel that MY life is over, just on hold a little, at least until the munchkins are all in school, I still have lots to do in life, I just want to share it all with my family!
3. Things I have considered doing when I grow up: graphic designer, biologist (not sure what kind, but I would love to learn a lot more about genetics and DNA, it intrigues me), teacher (maybe biology teacher?), doula/nurse, wedding planner, event planner, sales/marketing coordinator, commercial airline pilot, own a b&b internationally, and the list is endless...
4. I have always wanted to fly in a fighter jet - I think it would be incredible
5. I think I may be a slight adrenaline junky (see #4)
6. I LOVE the scary rides/rollercoasters at the midway (see #5)
7. I think my kids are also slight adrenaline junkies too, they seem to love a rush
8. I have a heavy foot, all the tickets I've received have been for speeding!
9. I LOVE food! I love trying new foods (at least once), I think it is a cultural experience! Part of the reason I enjoy travelling is trying new foods!
10. I have to laugh at the first time me and my husband got stopped by the cops (we were dating at the time) the cop pulled me out of the car and asked me if I was ok and there by my free will - because of our age difference! I appreciate that he did that, but chuckled and told him we were dating :)
11. I love the fact that my husband would always invite me to go out with him and the guys (I told him he didn't have to, I realize guys need a night out with the boys), we usually had lots of fun, me and him and the boys :)
12. I LOVE dancing!! It is my favorite thing to do - I may not be that great at it, but if a song with a beat comes on, I can't stop moving! I love dancing at home with my kids, those are the best evenings!
13. I am so much happier with my post-baby body after #2 than after #1 - I didn't do anything to deserve it though..
14. Since being pregnant with my daughter, I haven't cut out the sweets cravings.. I still need to have that cookie :)
15. While pregnant with my son my cravings included: sour green apple slushies, sunchips and a wonder bar, pineapple sundays, a big large coke from McDonalds (I don't drink coffee, so this was really my only caffiene intake, and I did try to keep it to a minimum), oh and of course fries and ketchup!
16. I have fed sharks
17. I love travelling, I want to do so much more of it yet! I would love to be able to take my kids too (when they are older of course) and explore this world!
18. My dream job has always been to get paid to travel around the world, evaluating hotels, checking out attractions, rating them, maybe even making a travel guide - and of course it would be all expense paid!
19. Snorkelling freaked me out the first time.. but I love it now!
20. Giving birth to my children has been one of the most incredible experiences in my life, it gave me such a feeling of being alive, such a base and primal feeling and it could have been part of the adrenaline rush too (see #5)
21. I hope that I can be an incredible parent (first) and friend (second) to my children. I hope that there will never be something that they can't tell me, no matter what the situation!
22. I enjoy watching hockey, there is something relaxing/familiar with watching Hockey Night in Canada
23. I hate when the house is too quiet (except if I'm trying to sleep!), there has to be some background noise at all times..
24. It drives me UP THE WALL, immediately, when my kids whine!!
25. I enjoy a friendly debate and talking about deep issues.. and sometimes I can talk too much (can you imagine, me talking too much!) lol

(My baby girl.. enjoying the simpler things in life :) she's about 6 mons or so)